Nana Has Wrinkles

Learning and loving in a world that spares no words.

Watch that first step; it’s a doozy.


Why is it sometimes so hard to take a first step in the right direction? Every morning, I walk downstairs and have a choice–open the frig, grab a Diet Coke, and sit at the table reading newspapers and working crosswords, or walk one step further, head down to the basement, strap on the walking shoes and hit the treadmill. Once I take that extra step, it’s all good. The iPad occupies the next forty minutes, and time on the treadmill passes quickly. The impact that one step has on my day is fairly significant. Here’s hoping this new year begins with a series of first steps in the right direction for you.

One Comment to

“Watch that first step; it’s a doozy.”

  1. Avatar January 3rd, 2011 at 6:39 PM The Newlywed Chefs Says:

    I hear ya! For me, it’s more about the shoes. Uggs… or New Balance…

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